How I Created My Home Self-Tape Studio on a Budget

Karen Shantz
5 min readFeb 27, 2022

When Covid-19 hit and all jobs went work from home, we all had to adapt pretty quickly. Desk jobs were one thing, but what about those of us in the performing arts? Here’s the essential items that rounded out my WFH self-tape studio on a budget.

(Note: I already had access to a working laptop and phone with a decent camera. Assuming you too have access to these luxuries, you’re already well on your way.)

(Other Note: Some of the below contains affiliate links)


Sure, your roommate has steady hands and has SAID she doesn’t mind filming you pretend to be a cat for that children’s theatre audition, but sometimes she’s not there, right? And balancing your phone on books and boxes gets old very quickly. Enter: a simple solution to make sure you get seen.

Try this one:

UBeesize Ring Light and Phone Tripod $35.99

Total Cost: $35.99


The eggshell walls in your 1970’s apartment were not designed to make anyone’s skin pop. A backdrop is a must, but photography backdrops don’t come cheap. Or do they?

Enter: scrap fabric. I recommend a bright green to work as a green screen (more on that later) and another, neutral color that works for you. Maybe a nice navy? Grab a tension rod, clothespins to attach the fabric to the rod, and a pack of 3m command hooks to rest the rod on, and you are in business.

Way cheaper than surrendering your security deposit to repaint. Plus, super portable. Just fold your fabric in a suitcase, and you can take it anywhere.

Try these:

3 yards pre-cut fabric $5–10 each

Tension rod $2.78

Clothespins $1.28 for 50

3m Command hooks $8.86 for 6 hooks

Total cost: $53.91-$68.91


So your phone sat steadily in the tripod, with your face beautifully lit by your ring light, against a gorgeous backdrop. Now, you might be a self-tape savant and do a one-and-done perfect take on the first try. You may see yourself out.

For the rest of us with the goof ups, we may want to edit some of those takes out. Here, we’re in luck: there’s a TON of editing software for your phone and computer that is completely free and does the job. If you’re a Mac, there’s iMovie. If you’re a PC, DaVinci Resolve has a robust free version.

Me, personally? Why, thank you for asking. I use Wondershare Filmora. It was made with influencers in mind, so its interface is super user friendly. Plus remember the green screen I mentioned? Its chromakey feature will take that green right out of your background no matter what your lighting set up looks like. Good thing you got the ring light, right? A lifetime subscription will run you about $70. A real bargain if you ask me. Just look at this little green screen video I threw together in my at home studio:

From this….
To this!

So profesh.

DaVinci Resolve Free

Wondershare Filmora $70 for lifetime

Total cost: $53.91-$123.91


Do you know what one of the largest expenses for a blockbuster movie is? Yes. CGI. If you’re Ironman.

If you’re not, the answer is: Audio. No, really.

If you want to take your content to the next level and really prove you know what you’re doing, an external microphone is a must splurge. You want your viewers to hear your sweet dulcet tones don’t you?

A lapel mic is good if you’re doing a standing video. Grab yourself a USB mic to record your voice overs. Throw in a set of comfy over the ear headphones; let’s make sure we really hear the nitty gritty.

And no need for a studio. We’re on a budget. Crawl into your closet and use those clothes that haven’t seen the light of day since 2020 as a sound dampener. They should get used for something.

Lapel mic $14

Budget USB Mic Blue Snowball $50

Over the Ear Headphones $32

Total Cost: $67.91-$149.91

5. DAW

A DAW or a Digital Audio Workspace is essential to mix in some underscoring. You don’t want to get dinged for copyright and have your content silenced, right? Luckily, you don’t need years of music training (or money) to lay down some sick tracks. Flip through BandLab’s extensive library of loops and beats, put a few together, and download your mix for the low, low price of zero dollars. Much cheaper than hiring Zedd.

A very easy to use interface with lots of free loops!

BandLab Free

GRAND TOTAL: $67.91-$149.91

So that’s how I built my home studio on the cheap. How about you? What essentials do you feel are worth the splurge?

